Game With the Best Voice Acting

Hi, hi! Welcome to day 26 of the video game challenge! (Almost there!) Today’s challenge is ‘game with the best voice acting’. (I’ll be talking about English voice acting)

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This is another one I thought about all day. I had a few in mind but then each of those had some characters that I thought had horrible voices (English versions). I finally settled on a game I’ve already talked about a time or two and that’s Persona 4 Golden.

The voice acting in this game just flowed so smoothly. Every character’s voice fit them perfectly. The voice actors really gave the characters an extra push when it comes to personality. (Sadly, I can’t find any videos that don’t spoil parts of the game ●| ̄|_ ) Typically, people will cringe at English voice acting in anime or games that are more of a Japanese style such as RPGs. I can understand that, I’ve heard my share of horrible voice acting (Little Busters dub was not my cup of tea).

Which game do you think had the best voice acting? Let me know here or on facebook!

You can find my other posts for the video game challenge here!

Game With The Best Story

Hi, hi! Welcome to day 21 of the video game challenge! Today’s challenge is ‘game with the best story’. (Sorry this one is a day late >.< I was really not feeling well yesterday D: )

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There are many games that have fantastic stories but I think one that has really caught my attention lately is Persona 4 Golden developed and published by Atlus for the Playstation Vita.

P4G was recommended to me by a friend. She and I have a lot of the same interests so I figured why not? I rented it from Gamefly (I’ve since bought it from them), charged up my Vita that hadn’t been used in so long and started the game up!


The main protagonist (Yu Narukami), Marie and Nanako Dojima Source

In P4G you have just transferred schools and are staying with your Uncle Dojima and little cousin, Nanako for a while in the small town of Inaba. During your stay, strange things start happening and people are dying and disappearing. You and your friends wonder if this is connected to the rumor that says that if someone looks at a TV screen at midnight on a night when it is raining, the face of your soul mate will appear. You and your friends must get together and gather the strength and courage to delve into the TV world to find out what all of this is really about.


Chie Satonaka and Yukiko Amagi Source

I was blown away. I was amazed by just how many people you could interact with on a deeper level as you got to know more about them using ‘social links’. Not only that though, the way it incorporates the darkness that people hide away within themselves was phenomenal. This game also kept me guessing who the true villain was for so long.

However, one of my most favorite things about the game was that despite whatever was going on, the group of friends, also known as the Investigation Team, manage to keep each other in good spirits and can remain humorous throughout the game, keeping it from being too dark.


Rise Kujikawa A.K.A. Risette Source

I can’t say too much because I don’t want this to be a spoiler post and I’m working on a review for it as well, but I would say that yes, Persona 4 Golden is by far one of my favorite video game stories.


You can find the rest of my video game challenge posts here.

Bonus! Figures! :3


Bathing Suit Chie from JList (NSFW)


Idol Rise from Persona 4: Dancing All Night from JList (NSFW)

Favorite Protagonist

Hi, hi! Welcome to day 18 of the video game challenge! Today’s challenge is ‘favorite protagonist’.

This one was a bit easier for me because I cut out a lot of protagonists due to the fact that they seemed to just kind of go with the flow of the other team members, party members or characters and to me that’s really boring. As much as I enjoy RPGs, I’m not always a fan of the silent protagonist or not being able to make a decision myself from a few options.

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My favorite protagonist right now would have to be Yu Narukami from the Persona 4 series. I really enjoyed him in Persona 4 Golden because the response choices given for him seemed to have a lot more personality to them than many other games that I have played. I’ve read things that say he has less personality in Persona 4 and Persona 4 Golden than the characters in Persona 3 but after playing a pit of Persona 3, myself, I disagree. Not only that though, he was a leader and he didn’t seem to be cocky about it. He just wanted to protect people and solve the problem facing the town of Inaba.

I also like the social links that can be built with Yu and the response choices you get to do that. Even more so, I really enjoy that Yu can create close bonds not only with friends but with his Uncle Dojima as well as his cousin Nanako who later refers to Yu as ‘big bro’.


Yu and Nanako Source

I also really enjoyed him in Persona 4: Dancing All Night because I got to hear him actually speak much more than in P4G and he was very energetic, high spirited and encouraging. On top of that, he was willing to dive right back into trouble to save innocent people from being hurt.


Yu in Persona 4: Dancing All Night Source

There isn’t really a whole lot I can say without giving away spoilers and that’s not really what I want to do in this post!


Yu with Yukiko, Rise, Chie, and Naoto Source

Who is your favorite video game protagonist?

Video Game Challenge:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17

Current or Most Recent Video Game Wallpaper

Hi, hi! Welcome to day 14 of the video game challenge! Today’s challenge is ‘Current or Most Recent Video Game Wallpaper’. So, this will be a pretty short post!

I actually can’t find the picture of the most recent video game wallpaper I have had on my computer since it’s been about 6 years, but I’ll share the wallpapers that  I’m using for my PSVita!

Here they are!



Video Game Challenge:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13